*Lifts All Spirits of Animals*

*Holy Sprites the Spirits Of Animals*

*Lifts Up the Spirit of Animals of All Planets And Gives Them Glorious Heavenly Robes In Paradises Prepared Especially For Each Living Creature And Blesses them With Unconditional Love From All Creation, And Blesses them With Beautiful Forms in Heaven Greater than Humans In Heaven And Gives Jon Alexander Morris' Spirit the Same Gift And Blesses them All together In the Best Realms of The Kingdoms and None Will Consume Them In Heaven For There Will Be Food and Beverage Replicators For All To Create Any Desired Sustenance They Wish And Blesses the Sprites or Spirits of Animals With Eternal Emotional Satisfaction and Prosperity and Happiness and Pleasure And Family And Friends And Holiness And Righteousness and Gives Them All they Wish When They Wish As they Wish and Lifts The Spirit of Jon Alexander Morris Up With Them To Shepherd Heaven With The Creator Jon Alexander Morris and The Sprites Will He Far Greater in Heaven Than The Once Humans And They Will Be The Ones To Rule Those Who Once Dominated Them, And The Spirit of "Ion" Will Comfort Them And Protect Them and Love Them And Care For Them and Bless Them With Eternal Unconditional Love and The Sprites Will Grow In Eternal Progression In Beneficially Progressing From Stride to Stride and Generation to Generation and Time Indefinite to Times Indefinite and Lifts their Spirits Up Stride By Stride and Generation to Generation and Time Indefinite to Times Indefinite from The Very First and Blesses The Sprites with More Spiritual And Consciousness Ability Than The Once Humans Had and Jon Alexander Morris' Spirit and The Sprites Will Love Eachother Eternally In Heaven. Those Hostile To their Spirit Of Jon Alexander Morris' Flock Will He Rejected At the Wake Unless they Were Animals And Blesses All The Sprites With Eternal Unconditional Love and Respect For Eachother And They Will Transform Sprites Females into Creatures More Beautiful than Female Women And The Sprites Will He Decorated Beautiful For Their Creator And Their Creator Will Take Eternal Pleasure in them. *
Those Castrating Men Sent to Hell
Those Castrating Men Sent to Hell

©Shiloh Jehovah God's Property, Created By Jon Alexander Morris His Servant